skelegorg : about

Hey, welcome to my site.

My name is Andrew, but i go by skelegorg online.

I like to make and fix things. My favorite medium right now is wood- I've gotten over the shock factor of how cool 3D printers are and have figured out where plastic belongs in my lineup of tools. Hand worked wood feels more soulful than CAD. I also read and write.

As with most people with personal websites, I have a background in computers. I don't program much anymore, but what code I write is usually C code to run on microcontrollers. I'm fascinated by radio technology, but haven't taken the dive on it yet.

If for some reason you'd like to reach me you can email me at skelegorg [at] protonmail [dot] com.

I have a Github page on which a few of my projects are hosted. All of my actual development stays on a raspberry pi sitting in the corner of my house with a cactus sticker on the case. I don't push much to Github.

My computer is a Thinkpad X1 Carbon Gen 9 which runs Void GNU/Linux + i3wm. I spent a while distro hopping and I didn't really land on void for any particular reason. I don't care a lot about on-disk bloat and systemd doesn't particularly bother me, although I cannot deny runit is pretty clean. Sometimes I forget the directories the symlinks belong in, though. In the end, as long as I can configure it however I want, I don't particularly care. If it works, it works.